Østrup Turridning

Rideture på gode islandske heste i fantastisk smuk natur

Pentecost Riderejse

Speed in the spring landscape ...
Speed in the spring landscape …

On this Pentecost Riderejse you can enjoy a large part of the beautiful scenery of the Fyn Alps.  The trip goes from place to place over the 3 days, and is a fantastic experience of moving through the landscape on attention horses who are happy, go forward in cooperation with the rider.

It is a trip with overnights in 2 different spots along the way-a near water on a høhotel East of Faaborg, and one on a høhotel in the Fyn Alps.

A quiet moment in the spring green forest.
A quiet moment in the spring green forest.

Along the way on horseback riding through the glacial landscape do we kept and make stretch-leg-breaks on several of the most fantastikse prospects and the most exciting places in the culture historical landscape.

Details about Pentecost riderejsen

This riderejse starts Whitsun Saturday at 10 am and ends Monday, Whit Monday at about 15. Saturday and Sunday there is all-day rides and overnight Saturday in double rooms at Bed and Breakfast near & Holsteenshuus forests, and Sunday in a B&B near Svanninge Bakker. Monday is a 3/4-day riding tour with lunch.  The tour is conducted with a group of 4-8 people.

On horseback in Svanninge Bakker.
On horseback in Svanninge Bakker.


Pictures from the Pinseriderejsen 2016

Pentecost Riderejse to Svanninge Bakker Pentecost Riderejse to Svanninge Bakker.

A moist Pinsetur A damp Pinsetur.

From Holstenshus to Svanninge bakker From Holstenshus to Svanninge bakker.

Pinseriderejse from faldsled to M Pinseriderejse from faldsled to M.

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