Østrup Turridning

Rideture på gode islandske heste i fantastisk smuk natur

Riderejse Sydfyn

… on horseback through the Fyn Alps

The view over the South Fyn archipelago from Trebjerg.
The view over the South Fyn archipelago from Trebjerg.

This riderejse through the beautiful Archipelago landscape is an attractive trip, also for riders who come from far away and would like to have a longer and continuous riding experience. It is a round trip, which is executed with the stay and accommodation for horses and riders in different places along the way. The trip extends over 3.5 days with riding and includes 3 nights.

Couple and friends at M Riding, Faaborg_Web 72dpi_4
Ride with break of Sct Olufs source by Trente mølle.

The ride and the landscape

The trip spans approximately 90 kilometers around through the beautiful glacial landscape which is also called the Fyn Alps. Here you will ride through a great beautiful and varied landscape,

  • with dense forests,
  • over open fields, and
  • up on hills with beautiful views over the South Fyn archipelago,
  • along the beach and into the water.

The horses

The horses are good tøltere in excellent condition for the long route. They are quiet and sociable, and there are horses to suit riders of different riding experience and wants to challenges and pace.


The program for the four days is as follows:

Map with points of stay on the tour.
Map of rideområdet North of Faaborg with points with stay on the tour.
  1. day: arrival in the afternoon M and a few hours of horseback riding on the beach at the faldsled.
  2. day: full day ride from faldsled through Svanninge Bakker to Thistle nook farm.
  3. day: full day horseback riding on through the Fyn Alps to Beech Mountain Grove Beach.
  4. day: full day ride from Beech Mountain Grove over Holstenshuus and through Sollerup back to M


The trip goes past M Farm-
The trip goes past M farm.

The trip will go past the Manor farms M farm, Holstenshuus and Stensgaard. The following beautiful and interesting places there will be halted, shown the sights and told about the history and background. We visit among other things.  Holstenshuus ' Park, Katterød Ceramics, Pipstorn forest, Tower in Svanninge Bakker and Steensgaard farm shop.


The horses stretching out on the way up the hills.
The horses stretching out on the way up the hills.

Accommodation will be in pleasant rural setting in locations with bed & breakfast.

  1. day: the Youth Hostel in faldsled
  2. day: Thistle nook farm
  3. day: Askeris at Beech Mountain Grove

The tours can be conducted with groups of 6-8 people.


See a link to the brochure about Riderejse Sydfyn on Danish and in German here.


Pictures from Riderejse Sydfyn 11.-14. August 2015

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