Born 1954. Trained as a primary school teacher in 1979. Has worked as a teacher for 25 years. Is now a pensioner. Have all the years worked with special education, most teaching of children with behavioral and learning problems, dyslexic children and bilingual children.
Have ridden from the child by, however, with a 15-year hiatus due to education, work, political work child births, etc. Started at forest arbejdsheste (Jutlanders, Belgian heavy Olden burgers), horseback riding and running. When a horse was used for forestry work, was in the hands of 8 – 9 hours daily. The man and the horse was workmates and colleagues. Here nothing could operate by intimidation and coercion. It was body language, understanding and cooperation at a high level, in the concepts of the head was discovered within rides port. Working the horses saw the man as the one we had confidence, collaborated with and relied on as the undisputed ' flying horse '. We small 7-8 years of Cubs could easily handle the work horses, ride them and run them for cart.

It was my childhood experience of horses in the 1960s. When I was age 12 were allowed to start on a traditional riding school in 1966, I was somewhat surprised at the way things was going on. Later, the different approach to horses and riding gained terrain under many names, such as Horsemanship, hestehviskere, etc. A series of pictures from Monty Roberts show at Vilhelmsborg on 22 april 2006, can be seen here.
Started again in 1995 (after the ride break) with Icelandic horses. Looking for other avenues in dressage where work out from childhood ' Horsemanship education ', and where the experience of work with bad gifted and maladjusted children used in working with the horses. Working with Horsemanship and communication/body language. Monty Roberts, has been and is the major source of inspiration. Have ridden many young horses to and worked with the ' problem ' horses. Developer on the way all the time his riding, communication and body language. In addition, supplemented with reading of the theory, and basic speaking courses and lessons with great, but lesser-known directors.
Natural Horseman. Have natural riding school as well as riding as a hobby.
Happy dilettante thoughts on riding
The horse must have full confidence in his rider, and consider his rider as a ' bunch of driver '. It must constantly be aware. This requires that the rider is convinced his own body language, and manages to give a clear signal, as well as the horse that the horse has learned to respond to these signals. We will not provide constant signals URf.eks. by constantly to drive with the seat, legs or constant use half parades. Usually one can be content to drive with your voice and a stick, if it is necessary to operate on the horse. It is usually not on our horses, they are all reasonably ' self-education '.
The rider must be the horse's friend. This means that the horse should be able to get its security needs met by being together with the rider, and the rider can give the horse ros and body contact.
The rider must be able to bring up the horse on a consistent and fair manner. It will, among other things. say, have eye for when praise or rebuke must be given, and make it consistent, logical and instantly. This means that you must be able to listen to the horse and could read its body language and signals.
A seat, where the rider is able to follow the horse's movements, so that the horse's balance and do not smoke aft. This implies, inter alia, that there is no driver in the seat, but like may seem prohibitive. The horse should ideally be controllable by using the seat, weight and balance. A harness, use, where the reward for proper reaction is a soft hand with little, preferably no correction from the rider.
The horse's reward when it goes perfect, is that it is allowed to be in peace. When you sit on a horse, which you almost can ride with the eyes, has been made really far.